Originally an industrial and commercial floor covering, epoxy resin floor is now more commonly found in homes due to its enormous decorative possibilities. It is very easy to apply over a correctly prepared surface and offers many advantages when compared to other flooring solutions. It is extremely durable and can withstand heavy loads, as well as protecting it from moisture, cracks, and stains.
A resin floor can be used in almost any room or space, and comes in a wide range of colours and finishes to suit the design of your home. It can also be enhanced by adding slip-resistant additives for safety or decorative flakes to add visual appeal.
Epoxy resins are a polymer-based substance that is combined with a curing agent to form covalent bonds. This process makes the liquid epoxy transform into a rigid plastic material. The cured resin can withstand temperature changes and is extremely durable, even supporting heavy machinery and vehicles.
Enhancing Spaces: The Appeal of Epoxy Resin Floors
It is important to choose the correct epoxy coating system for your surface, and a specialist team should be hired to do so. It is also essential that the underlying surface is properly prepared using cleaning, etching, mechanical grinding equipment and any cracks filled before the application of the epoxy resin. Failure to do so can reduce the effectiveness of the coating and increase the time and cost of the project.
The main benefit of an epoxy resin floor is that it lasts a long time, even with high traffic. However, a protective layer must be applied to the surface, as it can react to ultraviolet light from the sun and may yellow over time.